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Gary Numan

Gary Numan – LCR, Norwich

With no support before him, the room filled slowly for Gary Numan, but 5 minutes before stage time the queue was still expansive. Various generations of fans packed tightly into the Nick Rayn’s LCR and there was a pint-fuelled tension in the air. The first thing to note was the stage – filled with lights and different levels for the band to co-exist. A large triangular light at the back of the stage is a reminder of the celebration the four and a half decades ‘The Pleasure Principle’ and ‘Replicas’ have remained at the forefront of the new wave sound.

Numan entered the stage followed by the band, in matching cassock-like outfits, faithful fans cheering and clapping. He kicks the set off with ‘Replicas’ and the combination of the crowd singing along and being so close to the speakers and amps left me wishing I’d worn some kind of ear protection. However, I think I would be satisfied if my eardrums gave out and classic synth-pop was the last thing I heard.

A back catalogue of fan favourites continued through the night, Numan in and out of musical trance dancing around the stage. Guitarist Steve Harris pointing and jeering at members of the already edgy crowd riled them up further, getting back to my friend in the middle of the crowd proved impossible as the audience refused to give up their positions, and so I was left to enjoy the show from far back, at the merch stand.

Despite being so far away I was still able to enjoy the gig, the multitude of lighting reaching across the audience and providing a show for the audience that couldn’t quite catch a glimpse of Numan. And of course, the performance of the band and the sound they exerted was, I’m sure, even enjoyable to the student union bar downstairs.

The gig only left two songs to be desired, an encore including timeless hits ‘Cars’ and ‘Are Friends Electric?’ evoked a roaring rapport from the audience from the bar to the barrier. Gary Numan remains the superior of the new wave/ synth-pop sound with fans spanning generations.

Gary Numan
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